- machine (n)
- mad (adj)
- Madam (n)
- made of/from/out of (v)
- magazine (n)
- magic (adj & n)
- magnificent (adj)
- mail (n & v)
- main (adj)
- main course (n)
- make (v)
- make sure (v)
- make-up (n)
- male (adj)
- man (n)
- manage (v)
- (succeed in)
- manager (n)
- mango (n)
- many (det & pron)
- map (n)
- mark (n)
- market (n)
- marriage (n)
- married (adj)
- marry (v)
- marvellous (adj)
- match (n & v)
- object (n)
- obvious (adj)
- obviously (adv)
- occasion (n)
- occupation (n)
- ocean (n)
- o'clock (adv)
- of (prep)
- of course (adv)
- off (adv & prep)
- offer (n & v)
- office (n)
- officer (n)
- often (adv)
- oh (exclam)
- oh dear! (exclam)
- oil(n)
- OK I O.K./okay (adj & exclam)
- old (adj)
- old-fashioned (adj)
- olive (n)
- postcard (n)
- poster (n)
- postman (n)
- post office (n)
- postpone (v)
- pot (n)
- potato (n)
- pound (£) (n)
- pour (v)
- powder (n)
- power (n)
- powerful (adj)
- practice (n)
- practise (v) (n =Am Eng)
- realistic (adj)
- really (adv)
- reason (n)
- reasonable (adj)
- reasonably (adv)
- rebuild (v)
- receipt (n)
- receive (v)
- recent (adj)
- reception (n)
- receptionist (n)
- recipe (n)
- recognise (v)
- sand (n)
- sandal (n)
- sandwich (n)
- satisfactory (adj)
- satisfied (adj)
- sauce (n)
- saucepan (n)
- saucer (n)
- tense (n)
- tent (n)
- term (n)
- terrible (adj)
- terribly (adv)
- terrific (adj)
- terrified (adj)
- test (n & v)
- text (n & v)
- textbook (n)
- text message (n)
- than (conj & prep)
- thank (v)
- thanks (exclam)
- thank you (exclam)
- that (conj,det & pron)
- the (det)
- sausage (n)
- underline (v)
- underneath (prep)
- underpants (n)
- understand (v)
- underwear (n)
- undress (v)
- unemployed (adj)
- unemployment (n)
- unexpected (adj)
- unfair (adj)
- unfit (adj)
- unforgettable (adj)
- unfortunately (adv)
- unfriendly (adj)
- unhappy (n)
- unhealthy (adj)
- valley (n)
- valuable (adj)
- value (n)
- van (n)
- vanilla (n)
- variety (n)
- various (adj)
- vase (n)
- vegetable (n)
- wage(s) (n)
- wait (n & v)
- waiter (n)
- waiting room (n)
- waitress (n)
- wake (v)
- wake up (phr v)
- walk (n & v)
- walking (n)
- wall (n)
- wallet (n)
- yard (n)
- yeah (exclam)
- year (n)
- yellow (adj)
- yes (adv)
- yesterday (adv)
- zebra (n)
- zero (n)
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